Welcome to Dark Destinies

Welcome to Dark Destinies, my continuing attempt at rounding-up Role Playing Resources for the Star Wars Saga Edition (SWSE) system.

If you're a Star Wars fan like I am, chances are you've always fantasized about owning your own lightsaber or having a star ship like the Milenium Falcon; dreamed of saving the Princess; having bad-ass Jedi powers; or perhaps pilfer Darth Vader's armor. Chances are that you also decided to role play. That quest has probably led you to the Wizards of the Coast's (WOTC) d20 SWSE Books, and you've played Dawn of Defiance (DOD) so many times that you're about to go balistic.

Everyone agrees, there is a lack of SWSE Role Playing Game (RPG) Modules out there. Why does D&D get all the modules and we get stuck with repeating DOD over and over again? Well, the good news is, you don't have to stand for it anymore. There is hope..!

In my quest to find original gaming modules for SWSE, I stumbled accross a group of people who are working on that very problem:

They can be found at: http://community.wizards.com/swawguild & http://www.d20radio.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=6

Goodness! An unofficial fan-based organization entirely dedicated to the delivery of high-quality adventure content for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game and its community!?!

Let me first say that I think that this is an absolutely WONDERFUL idea. The most discouraging thing about the whole SWSE Series is that there aren't enough .PDF adventure modules out there, and if you've been stuck in Dawn of Defiance (DOD) for most of your role playing life, you're bound to climb the wall or hit your head on the desk repeatedly in frustration. So my hats off to them for having captured this need so aptly and deciding to do something about it.

I have read through the Overwhelming Justice Module 'certification' thread on the WOTC website and I'm taking some notes for my own games. I know I have good ideas, but seeing the 'editorial process' unfold live on a forum is an awsome learning experience/opportunity. I also love the comments in the Creation Guidelines thread -- awsome ideas in there! Finally a place where people are working on something colaboratively, as opposed to  working by themselves somewhere in a dark corner of a cold dank cellar next to a casque of Amontillado! Laughing

Myself, I am both a GM and a Player, but I am mostly interested in playing because campaign and module writing is such a daunting task if you do it all by yourself. As a father of three (the first two have seen the complete SW series moohahaha), I don't have much time to play in a live setting and have thus been playing mainly by post (PBM) on rpol.net where I run a DOD campaign as well as some home brew campaigns that I have put together (some are now inactive due to personal reasons and this new child taking up my time). Those of you interested in reading the threads, here is a list of the games I run on RPOL -- stop on by and say hello. :)

Playing by post is perhaps slow, but it lets you do a lot of creative writing, and it's the only alternative for someone who has to work and chase after his kids. These PDF modules are a Godsend to GMs who are stuck in similar situations and don't have time to contribute to develope a campaign on their own, or don't want to go through the trouble of typing everything up from the SWSE Saga Edition Books.

In parting, I would like to share with you a link where several of these modules have preserved: http://www.d20radio.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=6687

Regards, and may the Force be with you.

Lord Ewin,
Power of the Dark Side